Care For Your Loved Ones

Spare a thought for our children. Smoking kills.

Cherish your children.

Passive Smoking and Children.
The Negative Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Children.

Unfortunately it is not just adults who are at risk to the adverse effects of passive smoking. Children and newborn babies are particularly at risk too.

Young children and toddlers are especially sensitive to the effects of secondhand smoke, due to the fact that their bodies are still growing and developing and they breathe faster then adults and therefore may inhale more smoke.

Research has shown that children, who grow up in a smoky household, where one or both parents smoke, have twice the amount of respiratory and lung disorders, and in some cases they even have to be hospitalised.

These children are usually absent from school more often than children who grow up in a smoke-free home and some studies have even suggested that children who are exposed to passive smoking are more likely to have behavioural problems and that they may not develop mentally as quickly as other children.

More recent studies have shown that exposure to passive smoking affects a child's behaviour and their learning abilities. Children from smoking homes scored lower in maths, reading, logic and reasoning tests and showed a more difficult and conflictive attitude towards their teachers and peers.

Asthma is a severe breathing disorder that is caused by the lungs not working to their full potential. When a person suffers an asthma attack they can experience shortness of breath, coughing, pressure or tightness in their chest, or wheezing and in children these symptoms can be much worse. Children with asthma also suffer more frequent attacks if they are exposed to tobacco smoke in the home.

Children with asthma who live in homes where one parent smokes are twice as likely, than children with asthma whose parents do not smoke, to take time off school due to a respiratory illness. If both the parents smoke, then the asthmatic children are four times as likely to be absent from school.

Studies show that even if a child does not suffer from asthma, but both their parents smoke, they will have a 40% higher chance of being absent from school due to a breathing illness.

Even breathing in very small amounts of tobacco smoke could set off a severe attack in children with asthma and these attacks would be worse than those suffered by children with asthma who are not exposed to tobacco smoke. Studies have shown that exposure to secondhand smoke can lead to the development of asthma in children who were not born with it.

Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home:
  • are twice as likely to suffer from bronchitis, pneumonia or bronchiolitis. In the US, secondhand smoke has been linked to up to 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia in small children each year.
  • will have less developed lungs that have a reduced ability to function well.
  • will suffer severe asthma attacks if they are already asthmatic and more of them.
  • have a higher risk of developing asthma if they were not born with it.
  • are more likely to be hospitalised before they reach their 2nd birthday.
  • will suffer from more colds, coughs and sore throats.
  • are more likely to suffer ear infections, fluid in the ears, chronic middle ear disease or "glue ear", which could lead to some loss of hearing. Many children will need to have the fluid from their ears surgically drained as a result of passive smoking.
  • could suffer from possible cardiovascular disorders.
  • will have a higher risk of developing cancer as an adult.
  • will suffer from some loss of smell.
  • are more likely to have been born with a low birth weight. Low birth weight babies are less healthy in general and can experience negative health problems all the way through to adulthood. Low birth weight as a baby has been linked to suffering a stroke as an adult, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and diabetes.
  • are more likely to die of cot death. If a mother smokes, the risk of the baby suffering a cot death is twice as high.
  • are at risk of developing meningitis.
  • will be absent from school more often due to various illnesses caused from breathing in the tobacco smoke.
  • will take longer to recover from the above illnesses.


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Quit Now

Get Your Quit Smoking Program Today!

#1: Quit Smoking Right Now! Program

. . . in less than 3 hours You CAN learn how to Quit Smoking - FOR LIFE - from the comfort of your home - without patches, pills and gums, and, * without gaining any weight or suffering a single major craving - Fully Guaranteed by one of the most trusted entrepreneurs on the Internet (and a former 39-year smoker who quit by using this very program)!

Smoking and Stopping Co$T You!

Here's the money you will spend if you continue smoking (and of course the price of smoking never goes down). Incidentally, with what I am saving on cigarettes, I can take an all expense paid vacation for 2 to an exotic island every year!

$3.55 $24.85 $99.40 $1192.80
1.5 $5.33 $37.31 $149.24 $1790.88
2 $7.10 $49.70 $198.80 $2385.60
2.5 $8.88 $62.16 $248.64 $2983.68

Did you read the amazing testimonial at the top of this page from the 5 pack a day smoker who used our program and quit his 35-year habit?

Here is money you could spend on another attempt at "chemical" quitting:

Quit Smoking programs range from free to $1,000.00's. Most fail. Miserably.

A Nicotrol Inhaler will cost you approx. $509.88.

3 months of chewing Nicorettes will cost you approx. $337.50.

7 weeks of swallowing Zyban pills will cost you anywhere from $160.08 to $300.00+ depending on where you purchase.

3 months of "withdrawal munchies" (with other programs) will add at least $700.00 to your grocery bill.

Did someone say it costs you thousands of dollars to both smoke and quit, at least using the programs you've heard about prior to coming to us?

With This Program . . .

You will NOT have to spend hundreds of dollars buying medicines or supplements that will NOT help you quit smoking,

You will NOT have to put on patches, chew gums, swallow pills, use an inhaler, or ingest any other foreign substance,

You will NOT have to follow any new and special diet, although we recommend the intervals at which you eat throughout the day and tell you one substance to avoid at all costs (we also want you to drink plenty of water),

You will NOT have to start an extensive exercise program . . .

. . . in fact, after you have read/listened to our program, about 3 hours, you just carry on with your normal routine only having to set aside a half hour or so per day for 3 weeks (or less) to listen to a special recording we made. Piece of cake!

I've Heard Enough and Want To Order Your Program and Quit Smoking
out Weight Gain and Stress

#2: Quit Smoking Today Program

The Quit Smoking Today program helps you quit smoking in as little as 38 minutes & 13 seconds from now. I guarantee that you will achieve success without any of the associated burdens

You will not have to spend hundreds buying medication and pills

You will not suffer from anxiety when you quit

You will not need to set a "quit date"

You will not have to avoid social occassions for fear of a relapse

You will not have to follow any special diet or take any supplements

You will not suffer from hunger - there will be no weight gain

You will not need to prepare a "smokers diary" or do any preparation work

You will not have to chew gum or wear any patches

You will not have to exercise any more than you normally do

You will not need any so called "will power"

You will not suffer any sense of loss

You will not crave those evil cancer sticks anymore!

That's right! It really is that easy when you have the right tools you need to give up smoking forever.

Just think only need to spend around 40 minutes listening to Quit Smoking Today and you'll start improving your health from day one.

Quit Smoking Today!

Make a Change in Your Life Now!

What problems are caused by smoking?

By smoking, you can cause health problems not only for yourself but also for those around you.

Hurting Yourself

Smoking is an addiction. Tobacco contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive. The nicotine, therefore, makes it very difficult (although not impossible) to quit. In fact, since the U.S. Surgeon General's 1964 report on the dangers of smoking, millions of Americans have quit. Still, more than 430,000 deaths occur in the U.S. each year from smoking-related illnesses. The reason for these deaths is that smoking greatly increases the risk of getting lung cancer, heart attack, chronic lung disease, stroke, and many other cancers. Moreover, smoking is perhaps the most preventable cause of breathing (respiratory) diseases within the USA.

Hurting Others

Smoking harms not just the smoker, but also family members, coworkers, and others who breathe the smoker's cigarette smoke, called secondhand smoke or passive smoke. Among infants up to 18 months of age, secondhand smoke is associated with as many as 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia each year. In addition, secondhand smoke from a parent's cigarette increases a child's chances for middle ear problems, causes coughing and wheezing, worsens asthma, and increases an infant's risk of dying from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Exposure to passive smoke can also cause cancer. Research has shown that non-smokers who reside with a smoker have a 24% increase in risk for developing lung cancer when compared with other non-smokers. An estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur each year in the U.S. that are attributable to passive smoking. Secondhand smoke also increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. If both parents smoke, a teenager is more than twice as likely to smoke as a teenager whose parents are both nonsmokers. Even in households where only one parent smokes, young people are more likely to start smoking. Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to deliver babies whose weights are too low for the babies' good health. In fact, it has been estimated that if all women quit smoking during pregnancy, about 4,000 new babies would not die each year.


Oprah's Quit Smoking Ambush

How To Quit Smoking

25 Reasons to Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. It is the leading preventable cause of death and disease.

In the United States, an estimated 25.6 million men and 22.6 million women are smokers.

An average of 400,000 Americans die each year from tobacco.

No matter how old you are or how long you've smoked, quitting can help you live longer and be healthier. People who stop smoking before age 50 cut their risk of dying in the next 15 years in half compared with those who keep smoking.

Reasons to quit smoking:

#1 Your breath smells better.

#2 Bad smelling clothes and hair go away.

#3 Your yellow fingernails disappear.

#4 Stained teeth get whiter.

#5 Food tastes better.

#6 Your sense of smell returns to normal.

#7 Your work productivity increases.

#8 Everyday activities no longer leave you out of breath.

#9 You can save money. article says that smokers in Delaware can save as much as $998.23 individually by quitting.

#10 You can save the health of other people. Exposure to secondhand smoke (passive smoking) can cause lung disease.

#11 You will be accepted better socially. Almost all workplaces now have some type of smoking rules. Some employers even prefer to hire non-smokers.

#12 You can prevent fire. Cigarettes are responsible for about 25% of deaths from residential fires, causing nearly 1,000 fire-related deaths and 3,300 injuries each year.

#13 It decreases risk of lung disease and pneumonia.

#14 It decreases risk of heart disease, stroke.

#15 It lowers your blood pressure.

#16 It delays onset of diabetes.

#17 It improves your overall health.

#18 It decreases chances of infections.

#19 It decreases risk of various cancers including lung, esophagus, mouth, throat, pancreas, stomach, kidney as well as cervix.

#20 It decreases risk of alteration in vision, blindness and cataract.

#21 It decreases risk of hip fractures.

#22 It decreases risk of anxiety disorders and probably depression.

#23 If you are pregnant, then the risk of your baby being premature and having a low birth weight is reduced. Also the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) decreases.

#24 It decreases risk of impotency as it prevents decrease in blood flow.

#25 It does not hasten menopause.

Mark Twain said, "Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times."

It is important to remember that quitting smoking is a process. Most smokers attempt to quit smoking one or more times during the course of their smoking habit.

95% of successful quitters have a history of at least 3-4 temporarily successful attempts prior to experiencing a sustained period of abstinence from smoking.


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